Aude HERAIL JÄGERWeekly Yoga classes in Islington / N1Online zoom classesOne-to-one classes@yogawithaude.inlondon


Aude HÉRAIL JÄGER’s personal practice and teaching are based mainly on the teachings of BKS Iyengar, Vanda Scaravelli and John Stirk, with gratitude for many inspiring teachers from various lineages on the way (Feldenkrais, Yin, Qigong and more).Aude qualified as a Yoga teacher in 2001 and holds the Yoga Teaching Diploma Certificate from Ruth White Yoga Centre, which is certified by the Yoga Alliance. Ruth White’s training is Iyengar inspired with emphasis on meditation and philosophy. Since then, Aude has been studying with Yoga luminary John Stirk who himself had personal tuition from Vanda Scaravelli and is an osteopath. Aude was trained in Reiki-Seichem Levels I and II - to adjust students with clear hands.

Where to find YOGA WITH AUDE

EVENING CLASSES during school term:
at St James Hall
52 Packington Street, Islington, London N1 8RD
Autumn term: weekly 9 Sept - 16 Dec 2024
NO CLASS on Monday 9th December
- Full term at reduced rate £20 per class,
i.e. £ 280 payable in full before the start of term
- Drop-in £25 register by phone text or mail
- Reduced drop-in rate £20 for
new students for their first term in class

ONLINE ZOOM CLASSES during school term:
Term dates: weekly 13/09 - 20 Dec
NO CLASS on Fridays:
18th October and 6th December
- Full term at reduced rate £14 per class
i.e. £ 182 payable in full before the start of term
- Drop-in £17 register by phone text or mail
- Reduced drop-in rate £14 for
new students for their first term in class

at Nuffield Health Islington
27 Essex Road, London N1 8RD

Please send an enquiry by mail:


Classes are quiet and slow paced as tissues yield to gravity when movements remain soft and gradual.The approach to simple and more complex postures relies on the body’s natural intelligence. Releasing old holding patterns allows to reach deep within and observe instead the respiratory action moving the whole body.Classes are small to allow enough attention for each student - including hands-on adjustments (with prior permission from students).


@yogawithaude.inlondonyogawithaude@me.com07801 817 463

Philosophy and Principles

After nearly thirty years of personal practice, further study with senior teachers and her own research Aude has developed her own unique style and teaching methodology. Aude is an artist and this other expertise spreads into her Yoga classes, whether in her use of imagery or in encouraging a creative approach to explore our Yoga body.

YOGA WITH AUDE is based on the following:
• Yoga is a tool for openness to the new, change, risk (in measure) and Adventure;• Yoga is an enquiry into apparent opposites such as rigorous and soft, strong and supple, awake and quiet, grounded and light and considering obstacles as stepping stones;• Yoga is a source of support and inspiration as life continually throws in ‘little surprises’;• Yoga is about expansion and integration;• Yoga is joyful and generous;• Non-violence (ahimsa) is integral part of YOGA WITH AUDE. Working to maximum capacity is possible without bad pain or injury.

Questions and Answers (some)

Who is YOGA for?
Yoga is for all, regardless of stamina or natural suppleness (or perceived lack of). Providing the correct overall pace for all students is not compromised, classes support working with and managing problems related to ageing, injury and some chronic conditions - as students are encouraged to practice
within their measure.
Students with specific health conditions may first like
to seek a qualified Yoga Therapist (check IAYT International Association of Yoga Therapists). Aude recommends that you consult your GP if you have any difficulties or concerns about your ability to participate in Yoga-based movements.
HOW OFTEN should you come to class?
While one Yoga class should yield immediate effects, there is no secret and a regular weekly practice delivers continuous incremental results – forever.
Bring a willingness to work slowly and quietly, to be attentive and notice how the practice moves the body and brings wellness (and at times, often wonderment).
Practicing in class near others cultivates a sense of companionship while everyone retains their uniqueness.
Learning from others is profoundly valuable.


  • “Yoga with Aude is a magical practice. Expertly combining very strong poses with meditation and mindset, all reached slowly and carefully to be the most effective they can be. Aude’s yoga has helped me come back from serious ankle injury, manage and strengthen around a back issue, and build balance and body awareness. Aude herself is a delightfully charming and thoroughly caring teacher. You know that your best interests are at the heart of the practice both for body and mind.” (Charles - DJ, Creative Director and Graphic Designer)

  • "The moment I came to Aude’s yoga class 8 or 9 years ago, I knew I had found a special teacher.

  • Aude’s approach is encouraging and welcoming. She is not about pushing for hero poses. Instead, she is about deepening your connection to your body, opening to the joy of the body opening. This is also work, good work, and Aude challenges us to blossom that little bit further each time - but it’s always challenge at the right level for each student. She is passionate and delightful; it’s simply a joy to practise with her." (Susan - Lecturer RCA)

  • "Aude is an exceptional yoga teacher. I have been studying yoga under her direction for over 16 years. It is a continuous exploration and joy. I am now in my mid sixties and have better posture, flexibility and strength than I had 20 years ago. The benefits mentally, physically and spiritually are immense." (Karen)

  • "Aude's unique approach has kept me balanced for two decades now, I highly recommend her classes! (Tomma)

  • "Aude is an incredibly caring and gifted yoga teacher. Whether in person or online, through Aude's gentle and patient guidance and encouragement, we are able to work deeply to build our suppleness, strength and flexibility. She is highly aware of the uniqueness of our bodies and always ready to adapt her teaching to accommodate the needs of all her students. She creates a wonderfully safe space for her students to come together and I always leave class feeling emotionally uplifted and able to tackle the world outside." (Beverley)

  • "Aude is a fabulous teacher and her practice is truly inspirational. Even on difficult days, when my body is tired or my mind exhausted, I look forward to joining her classes, knowing that I will always feel better, stronger, and more grounded afterwards. Aude teaches with so much kindness and at the same time an incredible attention to detail: even in the online classes she knows exactly how I should adjust and get better in my practice each and every time." (Marion - Professor of Neuroradiology, Rotterdam NL)

  • “I treasure my yoga sessions with Aude. I first discovered her unique approach as a newcomer to yoga, and immediately felt safe. I quickly grew to trust her completely as she adapts her approach to her students and takes care of us all. One thing I particularly appreciate is how Aude engages the brain - this is not just physical work, it goes deep, each session is different and I become unaware of time passing. I always end the class refreshed and revived.” (Elspeth - Executive Coach)

  • “I thoroughly recommend Aude’s yoga classes to anyone who wants to enjoy and challenge themselves through a holistic approach to yoga practice. The classes are thoughtfully planned, always different and carefully adapted to suit the needs of group members. Aude is an inspiring, knowledgable and much appreciated teacher!” (Pat)